
Service Charge Audits

The audit process usually involves three steps: Data Gathering, Analysis and Challenge & Recovery.

Data Gathering
We can act as an advisor in your communications with the Landlord entity, or can communicate directly on your behalf in order to gather all the necessary information to conduct the audit.

Once the information has been gathered we carry out a thorough review to establish a base point to begin conversations with the relevant entity, highlighting key areas to be discussed and when appropriate, challenged.

Challenge & Recovery
We advise on communications or directly engage to recover/rectify identified savings while ensuring relationships remain positive between all parties.

Service Charge Management

Once the initial auditing process is complete, we offer an ongoing management service. Clients have the option to retain our services on an annual or ad hoc basis to manage service charge related events. This allows the client to capitalise on the audit results and ensure longer term control over their service charge position.

New budgets

We can advise on new budgets and flag high cost areas worth challenging.

If there is a new Lease event, we can advise or negotiate new service charge clauses on the client’s behalf.

We can assist with ad-hoc lease/service charge queries throughout the year as required.

General Lease Responsibilities & Operational optimisation

We provide clients with a consolidated lease summary which gives a high level overview of the operational obligations between the Landlord entity and Tenant. This is particularly useful in situations where clients occupy more than one property and require simplified lease information quickly.

Key benefits to the client include:

Facilitates greater understanding of each parties obligations in respect of areas such as maintenance/service provision and access.

Improved understanding of lease structures facilitates greater involvement in estate planning and management.

Greater lease clarity can lead to improved services as it allows clients to hold parties accountable for things that may otherwise have gone unnoticed in the lease.

Cost Recovery
With a detailed understanding of lease obligations, clients may have already paid for services out of their own pocket which were actually the obligation of the other party. A lease analysis allows for review and potential cost recovery to take place.